
  • Always double check your configuration - Ran into something I had never seen last week, and it ended up taking: 4 days, 9 ConfigMgr Engineers, and 4 Network Engineers to figure out. It involved many error messages that I had never seen before, and could find no mention of when consulting the Google, so I knew I needed to document this… Read More
  • Powershell now available - Windows patching has been quite the mess this month, which makes for a bit of a crazy week.  However, I still found the time to sort through my scripts, as promised in my previous post. I have published some of the less complex Powershell examples, and there are still many more where these came from. … Read More
  • Code available on Github - I need some organization in my life.  Specifically script/code organization.  As a result, I decided to start using Git for source control.  What would Git be without his buddy Github for storage?   A single point of failure, that's what!  At the moment, my only publicly available repository is for my Home Assistant configuration.  This is… Read More
  • ConfigMgr client registration rejected - I recently ran into an issue I hadn't seen before, and ended up having to engage Microsoft support to get it resolved, so thought I would share what I learned.  There were two Server 2008 R2 SQL servers that were a member of a cluster that were not checking in, and apparently hadn't been for… Read More
  • A dev environment fit for a command line junkie… - In my spare time I have been working on learning Python.  I decided that I needed to set myself up an IDE so I would have a spot to work through learning exercises, check out example code, etc... As covered in the Home Server Build series, I have a Proxmox hypervisor setup that runs a number of… Read More
  • A Shift in Focus - It's been nearly two years since I last updated... a lot of things have changed in that time.  As mentioned in in my last post, I relocated to a new city for a job and that is going great.  We built a house and got out of the rental, and into a more permanent home.  That… Read More
  • Storm clouds with a silver lining - I'm going to be taking a bit of a hiatus from the blog, I realize I just started, but I'm also going through some pretty big changes in my life right now.  This last year has been a bit rough.  The company that I work for was bought out, and has been subsequently completely and… Read More
  • Ansible connection timed out to Domain Controller - I recently setup Ansible to manage my virtual servers, and I'm using it to apply updates to both Linux and Windows.  I ran into this issue specifically related to updating Windows domain controllers, and it seemed to be stumping a lot of other folks as you can see here. The gist of the problem is that… Read More
  • Product of the American melting pot - This is the story of how we acquired our third dog, Jepp.  A friend of mine had just gotten a Boston Terrier, and he was a neat looking little guy... they describe his coat as reverse or maximum brindle, meaning he was mostly dark with some light stripes thrown in.  He looks kind of like… Read More
  • I’m your Huckleberry - I have mentioned previously that I have three dogs, I thought I would take a little bit of time and introduce the first one in this post.  I grew up with a dog, one of those super vicious man eating pit bulls.  She was so vicious that I used to ride her around like a… Read More